include("include.php"); include("iphone-header.html"); ?>
Fault Management iPhone Application, iPhone Fault Management Application
include("include/ga-js.html"); ?>
Fault Management
- The application is used to check and notify about the fault in a particular area
- User needs to login to the site and can add / edit / view fault details
- User can mark the faults as 'In Progress' or 'Closed'
- User can add certain fault details like – fault area, location, fault item etc
- User can select equipment item, enter fault description, select the maintenance work
- User gets two options for maintenance work – Internal Maintenance Staff and Outside Contractor
- User also has the option to Send Email / SMS of Fault Details
- The photo of the Fault Area taken from iPhone device will be saved to the server with rest of the fault details
- After saving the Fault details, a Fault Id is generated also the user's GPS coordinates will be saved
- User can view/edit the details of faults 'in progress' or 'closed'.
- User enters the cost required to fix the fault and email / sms other users
- Software development Kit: iPhone SDK 3.0
- Programming language: Objective C
- IDE: Xcode
- iPhone database: SQL Lite.
- Operating system: Mac OS X 10.5